
The conservatory at The Chelsea Gardener is now full of red! Poinsettias are one of the most popular house plants at this time of year.

Here is an interesting fact about them:

Euphorbia pulcherrima is indigenous to Mexico and Central America. It derives its common English name from Joel Roberts Poinsett, who was the first United States Minister to Mexico, who introduced the plant into the United States in 1825.

Another interesting aspect about them is that the distinctive red colour is not a petal but in fact a bract (the botanical term for a modified leaf). The true flowers are the small yellow central buds.

Usually they are disposed of after the festive season as they tend to drop leaves due to the heating and other house conditions but, with a little care, you can keep them all year.

Poinsettias need to be positioned in a bright area, away from full sun and draughts. They need a minimum temperature of 13-15°C.

Water poinsettias carefully as overwatering can damage them. A little tip -only water when the surface of the compost has begun to dry out. Misting plants regularly will encourage the flowering to last longer.

We recommend feeding monthly with a low nitrogen, high potassium fertiliser.

One thought on “Poinsettias

  1. I have had the same Poinsettia for about 2.5 years now and I love watching her grow! My co-worker was heading for the trash w/ her and I said; Oh, no, no! I will take her – she is doing great, but yes, leaf drop is consistent, but easy to manage.

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